Proxima HQ is One Platform For All Touch Points Across All Devices

Your easy button for project marketing.

A turnkey solution featuring three unique modes tailored to all your needs, complemented by an exceptional UI/UX design for an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Real time updates across all three modes through a centralized content management system.

3 Unique Modes

Touchscreen Mode

Elevate in person sales experiences at presentation centers with large format interactive touchscreen displays.

Presentation Mode

Your remote digital sales center with mobile presentations, video call screen sharing, or screencast for effective boardroom selling.

Website Mode

Enhance your websites with our embeddable web components powered by the same CMS that manages and updates the content for your other touch points.

Product Features

Comprehensive product features are embedded within each mode to ensure the best home buying experience.

Dynamic 3D Model
Unit Inventory Management
Interactive Floor Plates and Site Plans
Save and Compare
Floor Plan Filtering
Content Management System
Virtual Tour and Video Embed
Interactive Map
Data Analytics

Ready to simplify your sales launch?